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    The Sun's true color is white and black - Teknoteable

    The sun is white and black. The sun which seems to be yellow while on the Earth is not yellow but rather the sun is white in colour. 

    To some this might seem odd because you are on the Earth. The sun is a white light which in the process of getting to the atmosphere of the earth, it will disperse to seven different colours but the seven colours we go just a few miles below the earth atmosphere except the yellow colour which has the longest wavelength of about 550x10^9meters. So the only colour among all the colours of the sun to get to us is yellow but when in space the sun will be seen white and white is the true colour of the sun.
    The funny thing here is that the light produced by the outermost layer of the sun is the Photosphere, which is just about 5700 Kelvin here guess what? This is the temperature of the surface of the sun but now what about the core . Seriously the core is totally black not red and what else you think it is. The core of the sun is about 12 million kelvin which is too hot to emit visible light.... Umm, as temperature increases the colour of an object in concern goes up the spectrum so also the sun which will be black at the core because it's colour is out of the Band Of spectrum.
    I graciously hope that after you finish reading this article you see the sun from a scientific point of view.


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