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    Maths Tricks - Teknoteable

    1089 Math Trick

    The 1089 math trick

    Have you ever thought of using maths to trick your friends? well if thats you, here is a nice one!
    1. Ask him/her to choose any three [3] different numbers without telling you e.g,012.
    2. Tell him/her to write the number backwardly i.e,if he thiks of (210) then he should write (012).
    3. Tell him/her to subtract the smaller number form larger number like; 210-012=198.
    4. Now ask if it's 2 or 3 digits, if his answer is equal to two digit he should add 0 in front of his answer.
    5. Finally tell him/her to write the number backwardly again and add them together e.g,198+891=1089, tell him not to say the answer, then say the answer is 1089.
    Now let him show you his/her answer and it must be equal to 1089.
    This is a maths trick called 1089.


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