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    Book review: Angels and wormholes - Teknoteable

    Angels and wormholes

    Angel and wormholes is a fictional story written by David. The book contains characters of aliens and humans. Among the aliens are Razz(a rocky giant), Prince Zoojin(a purple alien), Chaitutali(a bipedal reptalian lizard) etc. Among the humans are Erin(a female ambassador), Abidan(a cardinal), Rolland(captain of SOL federation)etc. And funilly there were two cyborg characters namely Lujan and Wojtek(captain of muramasas).
        The story talks about an evil happening on a far away galaxy and there was a group of religious people who left the about eight centuries ago and were suspected to be doing evil. The SOL federation, Prince Zoojin and the muramasas went out on their own seprate journey but fate brought them together to fight the catchumen and eventually defeat them.
         The story is covered with shooting of mizzles, using electromagnetic defence, and jumping from one galaxy to the other using worm hole and there was a wormhole destroyer,theories of wormhole dynamics.
         This book is indeed adventous and educative. And I therefore recommend you read the book on wattpad

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